WIMA New Super Cap Modules
Double-Layer Capacitors from WIMA are now also available as cascaded and balanced modules with capacitances up to 200 F or with nominal voltages up to 28 VDC.
WIMA SuperCaps have a service life beyond 10 years and can easily sustain more than 500,000 charge/discharge cycles, when operated within specification.
The efficiency is far higher than 90%. Compared to other energy storage solutions, WIMA SuperCaps stand out for maintenance-free operation, high life expectancy and relatively low weight. This makes them very well suited to applications in isolated systems e.g. in inaccessible areas.
For more information please contact us.
WIMA New Super Caps
The new WIMA SuperCaps “C” series is currently available in capacitance’s of 110, 200, 600 and 120 Farad (prototypes up to 10000 F), which completes the existing range of WIMA Double-Layer Capacitors with rectangular casing and beyond.
The WIMA SuperCap C is outstandingly suitable for energy storage applications where high loads need to be discharged and/or charged in a very short time cycle.
To achieve specific operating voltages needed by the application, we offer the flexibility to cascade SuperCaps into Modules.
Unlike conventional energy storage in a battery, the charged energy can be retrieved safely from a SuperCap module without risk of a sudden voltage breakdown.
For more information please contact us.