Allyanz Electronics, Semiconductors, Integrated Modules, Displays. Manufacturers Representative & Distributor Australia, NZ & South East Asia. Tel: +61.3.9759 5949
ISSI SHIPPING 400Mhz, 72Mb Synchronous SRAM
ISSI is now sampling its 72Mb IS61DDPB22M36 and IS61DDPB24M18 synchronous, high-performance CMOS SRAM devices. These SRAMs are available in 18 & 36 bit configurations, with a Double Data Rate (DDR-IIP) interface for read and write input ports.
Other features these DDR-IIP Synchronous SRAM offer include:
- On-chip delay-locked loop (DLL) for wide data valid window.
- Common data input/output bus.
- Synchronous pipeline read with self-timed late write operation.
- Fixed 2-bit burst for read and write operations.
- Clock stop support.
- Two input clocks (K and K) for address and control registering at rising edges only.
The devices are available in commercial & industrial temperature ranges.
For more details on these high density, high performance DDR-IIP Synchronous SRAM from ISSI, please contact us.
For more details about DDR-IIP Synchronous SRAM, please contact us.